About Us
Envision provide dynamic, innovative product and engineering design services to clients in many industrial sectors from Nuclear, Oil & Gas. Hydro, Renewables to National Utilities.With 86 years combined engineering & design experience our team of experienced engineers & designers offer a wide range of CAD and engineering services to support our clients at every stage with a particular focus on flexible and cost effective approach.
What we believe
At Envision, we believe in the principles that have always served as the foundation of the engineering industry: honesty, diligence, quality and reliability. We do more than believe in them. We use them as a reference point for everything we do, on behalf of all our clients, wherever they operate.
Example Projects
We have a few example projects from various customers for you to look at. Read more

Our Services
- 3D Modelling
- 3D Simulation
- 3D Rendering
- 3D Scanning (Leica BLK360)
- Conceptual Design
- Scheme Design
- Detail Design
- 2D CAD Drawings
- Fabrication Drawings
- Pipework / Steelwork Design
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
- Technical Assessments
- Decommissioning Assessments
- Plant Operability Assessments
- Hydraulic / Pneumatic Systems
- Remote Handling Systems
- Bespoke Tooling
- Glovebox / Containment Systems
- Lifting Equipment
- Reverse Engineering
- Ventilation Systems
- Sea Fastening Systems
- Skids & Frames to DNV, Lloyds, BS/Eurocodes, AISC

Why Envision
Why Envision With over 86 years combined engineering & design experience our expertise spans the full range of engineering CAD services required for cutting edge product design and development.Flexibility ? only use us when you need us with ad-hoc CAD support.
Expertise ? draw on our many years of engineering design experience, we understand what you need.
Quality ? work is produced to ISO 9001 quality assurance standards, meaning consistently high quality deliverables.
Continuity ? you work directly with the engineer managing your job as a single point contact to avoid having to re-explain each time you get in contact.
Confidence ? all drawings are engineer self-checked and independently checked, minimising errors.
Support your team ? our team of designers can work in-house as part of your team as required.
Value for money ? pricing to suit your needs,by the hour or by the job.
Increased capacity ? free up your valuable design teams to do what they do best while we complete the critical manufacturing drawings, therefore making better use of your teams experience.
Reduce your licencing spend ? we fully maintain those expensive CAD licenses, which keeps us up-to-date with the best of breed technology.
Expand your capability ? take advantage of our full range of services from product design to drawings for manufacture, site surveys, technical assessments to photo-realistic renders and animations.

Contact Envision
Directors:Liam Sutherland.
Mobile No. +44 (0) 7720 268020
Stuart Anderson.
Mobile No. +44 (0) 7590 672476
We have moved please note our new address:
The Cottage Davidson's Lane,
KW14 7HT.

Google Maps
Phone: +44 (0) 1847 891024
Company Registration:
Company is registered in Scotland
Number 534678.
VAT Registration:
VAT Number GB 244 3928 95.
Hours of Business:
Monday to Thursday: 0800-1630hrs.
Friday: 0800-1430hrs.

Design requirementsEstablishing design requirements and conducting requirement analysis, sometimes termed problem definition, is one of the most important elements in the design process.
The feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of the potential of a proposed project to support the process of decision making.
A concept study (conceptualisation, conceptual design) is often a phase of project planning that includes producing ideas and taking into account the pros and cons of implementing those ideas.
Preliminary design
The preliminary design, often bridges a gap between design conception and detailed design, particularly in cases where the level of conceptualisation achieved during ideation is not sufficient for full evaluation.
Detailed design
Detailed Design (Detailed Engineering) phase, which may consist of procurement of materials as well. This phase further elaborates each aspect of the project/product by complete description through solid modeling, drawings as well as specifications.
Design for manufacturability
Design for manufacturability (DFM) is the general engineering art of designing products in such a way that they are easy to manufacture.

Reverse Engineering
What is Reverse Engineering?Reverse Engineering is a term used to describe the process of re-constructing an existing product accurately, for the purpose of manufacturing more of the same kind or modifying it to improve upon its design.
Often companies have the requirements for CAD Drawings of an existing part.
This can be due to:
No Drawings exist only the tooling to make the part.
Drawings are very old.
The Supplier makes the part and has and will not provide the drawings.
In these cases it is possible to measure the existing part by:
3D Scanning, Hand measurements
Recreating 3D CAD Models from existing parts.
Following this, new 3D CAD models can be created and from this the subsequent 2D Drawings.

Finite Element Analysis
What is finite element analysis software?Finite element analysis (FEA) is a computerized method for predicting how a product reacts to real-world forces, vibration, heat, fluid flow, and other physical effects. Finite element analysis shows whether a product will break, wear out, or work the way it was designed.
It is called analysis, but in the product development process, it is used to predict what is going to happen when the product is used.
FEA works by breaking down a real object into a large number (thousands to hundreds of thousands) of finite elements, such as little cubes. Mathematical equations help predict the behavior of each element.
A computer then adds up all the individual behaviors to predict the behavior of the actual object.
Finite element analysis helps predict the behavior of products affected by many physical effects.

3D Scanning
What is 3D Scanning?3D Laser Scanning is a non-contact, non-destructive technology that digitally captures the shape of physical objects using a line of laser light. 3D laser scanners create "point clouds" of data from the surface of an object. In other words, 3D laser scanning is a way to capture a physical object's exact size and shape into the computer world as a digital 3-dimensional representation.
3D laser scanners measure fine details and capture free-form shapes to quickly generate highly accurate point clouds. 3D laser scanning is ideally suited to the measurement and inspection of contoured surfaces and complex geometries which require massive amounts of data for their accurate description and where doing this is impractical with the use of traditional measurement methods or a touch probe.
Envision has invested in the latest in 3d laser scanning.
The Leica BLK360 captures the world around you in a high-accuracy point cloud.
Using the ReCap Pro mobile app, the BLK360 streams point cloud data direct to an iPad Pro. The app filters and registers scan data in real time.
After capture, ReCap Pro enables point cloud data transfer to Autodesk software dramatically streamlines the reality capture process. Read More
ISO 9001: 2015

Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
At Envision quality is a vital part of our business and as such we are certified to and in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 quality standard.
We are pleased to have full compliance after our BSI audit in January.
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Cyber Essentials

At Envision we recognise the importance of protecting both our own and our client's data.
We are also pleased we have met the requirements for this standard for a forth year. Read More
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